Episode 7
Cecil Hotel & Elisa Lam
What happened within the Cecil Hotel, and what actually happened to Elisa Lam? The Cecil Hotel currently exists as a housing complex in downtown Los Angeles, but was a very popular hotel during its tenure in the 1900s. Opened in 1924, many things have happened within its halls and rooms, including murders and suicides.
Elisa Lam was a Chinese-Canadian tourist that was staying at the Cecil Hotel when she disappeared on January 31, 2013. Her body was found in a water tank on the roof of the Cecil Hotel on February 19 of that year. A lot of speculation has occurred around the incident, considering that only hotel staff has the necessary keys and passcodes to get onto the roof along with an alarm system that would have tripped. Many have speculated that the malevolent spirit may have been involved.
Join LT, Rod, and Zeke on this episode as they try to determine the plausibility of the paranormal being involved in this interesting case.
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